

My Eyes

2019-2020, Algiers, Algeria

Hirak means 'movement' in arabic and refers to the algerian protests that started on February 16th 2019 in Kherrata after the annoucement of the candidacy of president Abdelaziz Bouteflikaika for a fifth presidential term.

I covered between 2019 and 2020 the protests in Algeria, called Hirak.

I usually don’t go to demonstrations and I did not want to cover the Hirak, at first. Yet, one friday I was in Algiers sitting at home and I knew I should grab my camera and go photograph the movement. My cartesian thinking was telling me “this is a moment of History, you should go”, reality is that I wanted to belong. I am a ‘binationale’ in quest for my algerian identity and the many days I spent photographing the Hirak have allowed me to start drawing the lines of this identity. Through encounters, discussions, fear, joy, deceptions, laugh, craze and the pulse.

What pulse? The pulse of a nation that I was a part of.



